Category: Health and Safety

Effective Coaching Methods: Not all coaching is created equal or is it?

Key Points: Coaching approaches that are rooted in psychological theories show a positive impact on coaching outcomes. More tools in our toolbox are better than one. Integrative coaching approaches are likely to yield the most impact on coaching outcomes. As coaching becomes increasingly popular and more accessible as a development intervention in the workplace –
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Workplace Coaching: What Does the Evidence Say and Does it Work?

Key Points: 1. Workplace coaching is an impactful developmental intervention, it has an even greater impact for females and those more removed from the organizational setting. 2. Certified, evidence-based coaches, with a background in behavioral science will yield the greatest impact regardless of the number of sessions – benefits are realized regardless of how many
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Death-spiraling within organizations: how tit-for-tat negative behavior perpetuates itself and how to end it

Key Points: Individual-specific characteristics, such as an employee’s personality traits and workplace attitudes, are not the only factors that influence whether they choose to engage in negative behaviors in the workplace. Often, negative workplace behavior is part of a behavioral exchange between individuals in which the negative behavior from one individual, Party A, is negatively
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Empowering Managers: Are Mental Health Training Programs the Key to a Healthier Workplace?

Key Points: When managers receive training in mental health support, they gain a better understanding of mental health, become more empathetic, and take practical steps to help employees facing mental health challenges. Managerial training enhances knowledge, fosters empathy, encourages self-reported changes in how they interact with their teams, and creates a more supportive and stigma-free
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