Lorenzo Gallì


Lorenzo Gallì is an Evidence-Based Management enthusiast that wants to spread awareness about the science of human behavior at work. For this reason he founded ScienceForWork and works at Mercer as a Talent Management and People Analytics consultant. A former professional basketball player, he still enjoys playing some ball, reading comics and dancing salsa.

LinkedIn: it.linkedin.com/in/gallilorenzo/

Twitter: @LGalliHR

2370ca7Giulia Varagona


Consultant at cut-e France, she graduated in I/O Psychology at the University of Bologna and Paris Descartes, and she studied at the University of Torino and Geneva. Her interests are oriented to human factors, ergonomy, wellbeing at work, fairness and change management . When she does not dream about saving the world (as a good Girl-Scout) she loves to cook, to read and to go trekking.

LinkedIn it.linkedin.com/in/giuliavaragona or Twitter: @GVaragonaHR

Rossella Barilli

Editor and Director

After graduating in Work, Organizational and Personnel Psychology at the University of Bologna, Rossella Barilli is now working for an international consulting in Germany, following her interest and passion in Leadership and Talent Development. She is currently engaged in learning German and in the meantime, she also enjoys dancing salsa, playing basketball and practicing artistic gymnastics.

LinkedIn it.linkedin.com/in/rossellabarilli/en

IMG_0901Pietro Marenco

Editor and Director

After taking a MS degree in I/O Psychology from the University of Bologna (IT) and the University of Valencia (SP), Pietro currently works as Freelance R&D Consultant as Fellow of the Center for Evidence-Based Management. He believes there’s always a better way of doing something, a for clearer purposes. Pietro loves a myriad of things, but is particularly keen about turning kitchens into restaurants.

LinkedIn https://it.linkedin.com/in/pietromarenco/en

Michael Vodianoi

Director of Marketing

Michael has applied experience in both Organizational Psychology and Marketing, and is passionate about spreading the value of scientific thinking and evidence-based management. He holds a Master’s degree in I-O Psychology from Hofstra University, and is currently a Research Scientist at MHS Assessments. In his spare time, Michael enjoys rooting for his local sports teams and playing music with his family.

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mvodianoi/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/mvodianoi

Natasha Ouslis


Natasha is a researcher and consultant, specializing in team dynamics and designing evidence-based recruitment and selection processes. She graduated with a BSc in cognitive psychology from the University of Toronto and a MSc in organizational psychology from Western University in Canada. Natasha is currently a PhD student at Western University, where she collaborates with professors from business schools across the country. Outside of work and school, she loves eating and cooking dishes from cultures very different from her own.

Website: natashaouslis.com

Twitter: https://twitter.com/natashaouslis

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/natashaouslis/

Bilal Alperen Ergun

Director of Outreach and Written Content

B.A.E. is a work and organizational psychologist with a strong commitment to evidence-based management. Passionate about staying updated with the latest scientific literature, he excels at transforming complex research into easily accessible insights. At Science for Work, he explores critical topics such as job insecurity, turnover, recruitment, and selection. He holds a BSc in Counseling Psychology and Guidance from the University of Sakarya and an Erasmus Mundus Joint Master’s Degree in Work, Organizational, and Personnel Psychology from the Universities of Valencia and Bologna. Outside of his professional life, he enjoys short hiking trips with close friends, road trips, stock valuations and engaging in debates on international relations.

Portfolio: https://www.clippings.me/alperenergun 

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alperen-ergun/



Director, Podcast Host & Producer

Dr. Matthew Lampe is an evidence-based practitioner and qualitative researcher with expertise in leadership, employee engagement, and organizational behavior. His work includes developing individuals and teams, fostering cultures and inclusion, and using dialogic, consultative service processes for strategic planning and organizational development. As an advocate for mental health and mental fitness, Matthew is enthusiastic about applying research to facilitate collaboration and unlock greater individual and organizational potential. I strive to be a lifelong learner. There’s a lot to learn out there and I believe every situation can present an opportunity to learn if you listen for it. I like to leave room for questions and editing because perspectives and ideas can change when you learn more information. As an avid baseball fan, more specifically, a Red Sox fan, I enjoy finding opportunities to connect psychology and behavior to sports and everyday life. I reference sports and quote movies or television shows probably more than most, but I like them. Good quotes are right up there with bad puns and terrible jokes.

Website: https://matthewlampe.com/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/matthewrlampe/

Aaron Halliday, PhD


Aaron Halliday is an entrepreneur and business and management consultant, specializing in leadership, the employee experience, and validated assessment. He graduated with a HBSc in psychology from the University of Western Ontario and a MSc and a PhD in organizational psychology from Western University in Canada. Aaron currently provides management consulting, management services, coaching, and assessment development and validation services to clients across the globe.  His work has directly impacted the operations and decisions of fortune 500 companies in finance, manufacturing, and the pharmaceutical industry among many others. Outside of work he loves to spend time with his three dogs (Loki: Siberian Huskey; Idunn: Siberian Huskey; and Sigi: Australian Shepheard), learning new things, growing food in his garden and basement hydroponic microgreen/sprouts lab and reading both fiction and non-fiction.

Website: https://aaronhalliday.com

Twitter: https://twitter.com/A_J_Halliday or https://twitter.com/EmovereCoaching

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/aaron-halliday-phd-991b26100/

Iulia Alina CiocaIulia Alina Cioca


Iulia graduated in WOP psychology from the University of Valencia, after an educational journey that started in Romania, and continued through Austria, Italy and Canada. She has worked as a talent management consultant in Milan, Italy. Currently she is a trainer for a multinational company. Her professional interests are organizational change, teamwork, psychometrics and training. Her passions are reading, taking long walks anywhere in cities or nature, and languages, especially teaching them to children.

LinkedIn  linkedin.com/in/iuliacioca/

Kinsey Knakkergaard

Podcast Guest Coordinator

Kinsey is a passionate advocate for workplace wellness, excelling in human-centered design, strategic innovation, and organizational effectiveness. She holds an M.S. in Industrial and Organizational Psychology and wrote her thesis on Green Exercise as a Stress Reduction Strategy for Corporate Employees, reflecting her dedication to employee well-being. Living in a mountain town, Kinsey enjoys outdoor activities such as biking, skiing, and rock climbing to manage her own stress. She actively volunteers with The Academic I/O and ScienceForWork, leveraging her expertise to drive positive workplace transformation through evidence-based research and innovative solutions.

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kinseyknakk/


Klei Hoxha

Writer & Editor

Klei holds a BSc in psychology from the University of Toronto and will soon graduate with a MSc in Industrial Organization and Human Resource Management from Wilfrid Laurier University. She has a passion for understanding and improving human behaviour within organizations, and using evidence-based approaches to help organizations make more informed and effective decisions regarding their workforce. In her free time, she enjoys trying out new cafes, and going on long walks.

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/klei-hoxha-790162174/


Fatma Aksu

Writer & Editor

Fatma is a graduate from Master’s in Work, Organizational and Personnel Psychology from University of Bologna. Currently she is working in recruitment her professional interests are employer branding, talent management, recruitment and selection, D&I and organizational performance. She believes that research has power and evidence-based practices will make workplaces better! She also enjoys biking, cooking and all social activities!

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/fatmaaksu/

Wendy Hirsch

Wendy Hirsch


Wendy is passionate about helping organizations turn their great ideas into great achievements. She provides consulting and coaching services to organizations on implementing for results and regularly writes about strategic implementation topics on her blog. She has an MS in Public Policy and Management from Carnegie Mellon University and a BA in International Studies from American University. Her other pursuits include yoga, meditation and exploring the National Parks of the United States.

Web: wendyhirsch.com


Twitter: twitter.com/wendy_hirsch

Della RathDella Rath


Della works as a business psychologist at a people consultancy in London. Her interest in the scientific study of human behaviour led to her studying a BSc in psychology at Maynooth University in Ireland and an MSc in Occupational Psychology at Birkbeck University, London. Her goal is to change the commonly held perception that being miserable at work is acceptable and expected. Her passion is applying evidence-based practice to make work better for everybody. She also loves singing and going on hiking adventures.

LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/dellarath

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Della_Rath

Mark SeabrightMark Seabright


Mark is a consultant, coach and mentor who uses an Evidence Based approach with individual and corporate clients in the UK and Europe. He particularly enjoys working with clients on maintaining peak performance, developing current and future leaders, group dynamics and improving productivity at work.He has an MSc in Organisational Behaviour and a Post Graduate Certificate in Coaching from Birkbeck, University of London. He is also a Certified Accountant and highly experienced CFO with thirty five years business experience. His interest in T’ai Chi led him to write The T’ai Chi Way to Business Success (available on Kindle and iTunes).

Web: www.in-the-moment.co.uk

LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/markseabright

Daniela Reuteler


Soon to graduate from a Master in I/O Psychology from the University of Barcelona (ES) and Bologna (IT), Daniela is a multicultural professional learning the ropes of HR. She is fascinated by the start-up world, new technologies and how they affect the way we work today. In her free time she enjoys a good outdoor run and meeting people from different cultures.

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/danielareuteler/

Emilia Wietrak


Emilia graduated in Work, Organizational and Personnel Psychology from University of Barcelona and Bologna. Currently she is a HR Consultant, Recruiter and PhD Candidate in Social and Organizational Psychology at the University of Barcelona. Her professional interests are focused on work motivation, positive psychology at work, selection and personnel development. In her free time she enjoys sports – from yoga to CrossFit –, she loves travelling and discovering new places, cultures and food.

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/emiliawietrak/

Federica Rusmini


Fede works as a Business Psychologist at Arctic Shores, a provider of game-based assessments, after graduating in Occupational Psychology from Goldsmiths University in London. Her passion is to use evidence to help organizations making better people decisions, and people making better career choices. She believes that a combination of science and innovation can solve a lot of HR challenges, and that the mission of a scientist is to always keep a curious mind.

She can always be found with a coffee mug in her hands, and she claims to make the best ‘ragu’ in the world.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/FRusmini

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/federicarusmini/

Paolo Sciacovelli


Paolo has a MS in Work, Organizational and Personnel Psychology from University of Bologna (IT) and has recently studied Industrial Relations at Università Cattolica in Milan (IT). He strives to learn always more about the future of work and believes the future of HR is in Evidence-Based Management. From the age of 11 he plays acoustic and electric guitar, and is still unable to decide which one he loves the most.

LinkedIn it.linkedin.com/pub/paolo-sciacovelli/65/3b6/971/en

Andrew Marcinko


Andrew is currently an organizational scientist and PhD Candidate at Aston Business School in Birmingham, England. Having worked at universities in the US, UK, and Germany, Andrew has been involved with research projects for NASA, the US Navy, the United Nations, and a number of multinational organizations. His research focuses primarily on diversity and inclusion in the workplace, with a particular focus on diversity management practices, team performance, and organizational climate. Andrew played rugby for the University of Florida in his younger days, but is now content play pick-up football a few days a week and support his local clubs (Aston Villa and DC United).

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Andrew_Marcinko

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrewmarcinko/ 

Jonathan Dault


Jonathan works as a consultant for Aon in Paris providing clients with innovative and robust psychometric assessments. His interest in understanding how organisations can work better for the people forming them led him to graduate in Organizational Behaviour at Birkbeck, University of London after a first degree in Business Psychology at the same university. He is particularly interested in employee selection, people development and diversity.
When he is not working, Jonathan enjoys performing arts in all its forms, from theatre to classical music, and the cultural life Paris has to offer.

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jonathandault/ 

Ruta Komskiene


Ruta is an Organizational Psychologist specialising in talent management and organisational development, with experience in both private and public sectors. Passionate about advancing scientific research into work, Ruta is currently consulting public sector on civil service reforms. She graduated with a BSc from Mykolas Romeris University (LT) and Fatih University (TUR), and a MSc in Occupational and Organisational Psychology from Goldsmiths, University of London (UK). What does she do for fun? Listens and plays music, goes to performances and gets herself into DIY projects.

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rutakomskiene/