Tag Archives: Employee Performance

Burning the Midnight Oil is not Burning Out: The real link between burnout and job performance

Key Points: Burnout is a multi-dimensional concept, that is not about working long hours. Job performance suffers when people experience burnout, and there are stronger performance impacts for feelings of inefficacy. Organizational interventions to support well-being and curb burnout need to focus on the measurement of burnout and how it may affect various occupations differently.
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Turnover: Decoding It’s Effects on Performance

Key Points: Relationship between turnover rates and organizational performance is significant and negative. Voluntary and reduction-in-force (RIF) turnover have more negative impact than involuntary turnover rates in the context of organizational performance. We have been going through a tough job market with lots of uncertainties: Covid lockdowns, rising and waning inflation, disruption of supply chains,
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